Our measurement devices include:
- Lake Shore CPX-VF Cryogenic Probe Station: 6 Probes, 4 K, up to 2.5 T
- Oxford MX250 Dilution Refrigerator: magnetic field up to 10 T, temperature < 15 mK
- Air Liquide Dilution Refrigerator: magnetic field up to 8 T, temperature 50 mK, MCBJ
- BlueFors Dry Dilution Refrigerator: magnetic field up to 7 T, temperature < 10 mK, MCBJ
- Oxford Heliox Dewars: 3-axis magnet, 10 and 14 T magnets
- Scientific Magnetis Vector Magnet Dewar: up to 9 T in Z, 3 T in X
The following inserts can be used:
- Breakjunction mechanics in various inserts (4 K high bandwidth, 1.5 K general purpose, 300 mK high energy resolution)
- Low-Temperature STM at 4 K and 300 mK